A downloadable game for Windows

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Space marines have opened a breach through time, and kidnapped your wife. It's payback time!

Speed through levels defeating enemies, and avoiding traps. 

Controls(gamepad support):

A/D/Left/Right arrows/Left thumbstick: Move

Space bar/A: Jump

J/X: Melee attack

K/Y: Kunai throw

L/RB: Parry

F/B: Place a time clone. Press F again to teleport to it. You are invulnerable while teleporting

P/Start: Options menu

The game keeps track of your time, and shows it when you complete the last level. Post it in the comments, let's see who's the fastest ninja :D


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

TimeNinja1.3.rar 77 MB


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Cool game ! It's satisfying to kill robots and the teleport back mechanic is pretty cool. I'd say the air control would need tweak, games usually make you lose speed when releasing the movement input so you can stop over the spot you are trying to land, but your game makes you keep going, so you have to press the opposite direction.

Also the game crashed when loading another level. I also make 2D games in Unreal and I bumped into this random crash too, for me it was because I had an actor with a root component with a child that as a box collision and another child that was a flipbookcomponent, making the box collision the root of the actor fixed the issue.

Cool game.


Oh man I missed this comment, sorry about that!

Thank you especially for the tips, I'll look into it